月度存档: 7 月 2012

CentOS 6 配置VPN服务(pptpd)

转载请注明出处 ( sulabs.net )
CentOS 6 发行版中的内核已经包含了 MPPE模块,不需要再去安装配置动态内核加载(dkms ) 和 kernel_ppp_mppe 模块,网络环境如下:
公司服务器网卡配置如下( em 为接口名,也可以是 eth )
em1  IP: 连接公网
em2  IP:  连接内网,IP段 - 254
VPN 配置的客户端 IP段 - 254
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Cyrus-sasl authentication failed 解决方法

Cyrus-Sasl 是一个简易安全验证层软件包,通常用于搭配Postfix 做SMTP验证,最近在部署一台新的邮件服务器时,用Webmail 登陆发邮件,接收均无问题,采用客户端接受正常,发送时则提示如下所示:
localhost postfix/smtpd[32031]: connect from unknown[61.*.*.*]
localhost postfix/smtpd[32031]: warning: unknown[61.*.*.*]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure
提示SASL LOGIN验证 失败,在查阅官方文档后,发现原来新版本的 2.1.25 参数做了一些变动( 原来使用 2.1.22不受影响 ),参考以下配置进行修改
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Installing Apache HTTP Server with a Quick-Start Config

转载自 http://olex.openlogic.com/wazi/2009/installing-apache-http-server-with-quick-start-config/

The Apache HTTP Server has been the most popular web server on the Internet since April 1996 and is one of the most widely used open source software packages.  In fact, the latest Netcraft Web Server Survey reports that more than half of all active web sites use Apache, making it more widely used than all other Web servers combined.  So it’s no surprise that we get lots of questions about Apache HTTP Server installation procedures.  Fortunately, we have tons of experience with Apache installations, and we’ve distilled our years of experience into this handy tutorial.
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